Tuesday, January 21, 2014

American Hustle

When it comes to Hustle thats me that should be my middle name. I work hard as a freelance makeup artist, to get my name and work out there. Sometimes I feel like "Money Making Mitch" from the movie "Paid in Full" I get a rush out of that shit....... But any way I just want to set the record straight the word "Hustle" does not mean selling drugs. Its just unfortunate that  some rappers just gave the word a bad rep, but to me the defintion of "Hustle" is using different strategies, talents or great multi-tasking skills to make money. Thats why I had to see what this movie was about, Starring the talented Jennifer Lawrence, Christian Bale,Jeremy Renner, my beau Bradley Cooper who also stars in this movie and where ever he goes, I go, you feel me. But one person who I absolutley adored ..... was Amy Adams character Sydney Prosser from very classy and clever attitude to her amazing sense of fashion she had me at the thrift store the next day trying to recreate her style, every outfit she had on in this movie she killed it. I dont want to tell you the rest but its a great movie iDirected by David O. Russell and the  winner of 3 Golden Globes including best picture, please check it out.


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